The closing meeting of the international project titled "HeatReFlex: Green and Flexible District Heating/Cooling in Turkey" and conducted by Prof. Dr. Ayşegül ABUŞOĞLU and carried out in cooperation with Aalborg University, Danish Energy Agency, ITU, Gazi University and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, was held on April 21, 2022, at İTÜ Mechanical Faculty. Fulfilling climate commitments by using Danish experience in efficient district heating/cooling technologies in the project, which was developed to lay the foundations for a flexible energy system future in our country that enables the transition to renewable resources, communities (from building level to cities) and better user motivation/participation, stability and sustainability; and aimed at increasing economic competitiveness. The project has also succeeded in developing a technical framework for optimal planning and operation of thermal energy devices and processes in small and large-scale energy communities that supports district heating/cooling generation, storage, conversion, and flexibility regarding technical constraints, regulations, and policies. Within this project's scope, the heat-electricity connection (such as the conversion of excess electrical power to heat) was examined, and analysis and optimization studies were carried out in different case studies, especially since the existence of renewable sources with variable electricity balancing requirements became more visible.