This lecture hall was renovated in 1999 by 1948 graduates of ITU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It was named after Prof. Lütfullah ULUKAN who served as the Dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering between 1959-1962 and received the
TÜBİTAK Service Award in 1993. With its wooden structure and nostalgic atmosphere, it has hosted many advertising and cinema projects. Engineering classes have been taught for many years in this 140-seat lecture hall. The first of
the photos below is from 1933, when the lecture hall was used for physics and chemistry classes. The second photo shows the current state of the lecture hall.
This amphitheater was used for Physics and Chemistry courses in 1933. The first photograph below dates back to 1933. The second photograph shows the current state of the amphitheater.
Having a capacity of 180 students, this lecture hall is the largest hall of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It was renovated by the faculty in 1997 with the proceeds of the 3rd Industrial Fair took place in the same year. It was named
after Prof. Tarık ÖZKER who was born in 1919 in Istanbul and graduated from ITU in 1944. Prof. Tarık ÖZKER continued his academic career until his death in 1977. He received the TÜBİTAK Service Award in 1980.
The first of the photos below shows this lecture hall in 1933. In the second photo, Minister of National Education Hasan Ali YÜCEL is seen while giving a speech here for the opening of ITU in 1944.