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Publications in National and International Journals

by Muhammet Umut Danış | Jul 11, 2024
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Members have published their studies in national and international journals. The list of publications that published in 2024 can be found in the details tab.
Our faculty of engineering academics have published their research in national and international journals in the year 2024. We congratulate our academics on their achievements.
Period Authors Title DOI and ISBN No Publisher/Journal Comment
2024-1 Yavuz, A., Sen, O. T. Development and performance assessment of different squeal index metrics based on experimental data. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering The main objective of this study is to develop new squeal index formulations and assess their performances. Though, unlike the existing formulations, not only the measured data but also the operating and design parameters of the system of interest are also incorporated in the proposed formulations.
2024-1 Yavuz, A., Sen, O. T. Application of piezoelectric shunt damping treatment for brake squeal suppression. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 3129, No. 1). AIP Publishing The main objective of this study is to assess the energy harvesting performance of a piezoelectric shunt damping treatment on the suppression of brake squeal noise. It is aimed to convert the mechanical vibrations generated during the propagation of brake squeal noise into electrical potential through the implementation of a piezoelectric element. The generated electric potential is then dissipated on a resistor that is connected in parallel to the piezoelectric element.
2024-1 Yavuz, A., Hazar, A. N., Hacıbektaşoğlu, S. E. Vehicle noise pollution awareness for human health and environmental impacts: A comprehensive review. 10.23893/1307-2080.APS6216 ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia, 62(2) This comprehensive review explores the extensive and intricate effects of vehicle noise on human health and provides insights into experimental studies using animal models, primarily rats, to understand the impact of low-frequency vehicle noise. Furthermore, the effects of factors such as engine type and size, vehicle speed, air conditions and traffic density on vehicle noise levels are reviewed. The adverse health consequences of vehicle noise include disruptions in sleep patterns, anxiety, mood disorders, cardiovascular risks, noise-induced hearing loss, and gastrointestinal problems.
2024-1 Yavuz, A., Sen, O. T. Stability Analysis of a Mass-Sliding Belt System and Experimental Validation as Motivated by the Brake Squeal Problem 10.1007/s42417-023-00849-0 Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 12(1), 395-414. The study investigates brake squeal in automotive disc brake systems and aims to understand how certain operational parameters affect squeal initiation. Both experimental and mathematical methods are used to analyze system stability. Experimentally, a mass-sliding belt setup focuses on three key operational parameters, while modal tests evaluate contact stiffness. A nonlinear mathematical model is developed and then linearized to assess system stability using complex eigenvalue solutions.
2024-1 Aliihsan Koca, Oguzkan Senturk, Andaç Batur Çolak, Aykut Bacak, Ahmet Selim Dalkilic Artificial neural network-based cooling capacity estimation of various radiator configurations for power transformers operated in ONAN mode Thermal Science and Engineering Progress (SCI-Q1)
2024-1 Aliihsan Koca, Mehmet Nurettin Uğural, Ergün Yaman Rising Damp Treatment in Historical Buildings by Electro-Osmosis: A Case Study Buildings (SCI-Q1)
2024-1 Andaç Batur Çolak, Aykut Bacak, Yakup Karakoyun, Aliihsan Koca, Ahmet Selim Dalkilic Improving pressure drop predictions for R134a evaporation in corrugated vertical tubes using a machine learning technique trained with the Levenberg–Marquardt method Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (SCI-Q1)
2024-1 Aliihsan Koca, Oguzkan Senturk, Ömer Akbal, Hakan Özcan Techno-Economic Optimization of Radiator Configurations in Power Transformer Cooling Designs (Q2)
2024-1 Akin Arslan, Emrecan Soylemez Investigation of the Surface Roughness Effect on the Performance of an X-Band RF Filter Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion 10.1109/TCPMT.2024.3360099
This study evaluates the effects of design, manufacturing, and postprocessing of X-band RF filters manufactured with laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) on the performance of RF microwave parts. Six filters were printed and results were compared to a reference filter manufactured by conventional methods to determine whether metal AM, with appropriate surface treatments and plating, can serve as an alternative for microwave components. The results of this study demonstrate that the RF filter produced by metal AM showed similar performance to the original filter after undergoing surface roughness improvements using the electrochemical method, Hirtisation, resulting in an average of 50% improvement in roughness compared to raw production and the silver-plating application.
2024-1 Birol Ozcevik, Emrecan Soylemez, Bekir Bediz, Ugur Simsek Effects of particle damper design parameters on the damping performance of laser powder bed fused structures
In this study, we examined 16 cases of integrated PDs by varying specific parameters including size, number, and locations on the structure to understand the effects of these parameters on the dynamic behavior of the first and second modes of the structure. Modal tests were conducted on additively manufactured samples to extract frequency response functions and calculate modal parameters (natural frequency and damping ratio) using the rational fraction polynomial method, studying the effects of PDs.
2024-1 Emrecan Soylemez, Recep Onler, Tugce Ozturk Füzyon Temelli Eklemeli İmalat Süreç Modellemesi ISBN:978-625-427-864-8 Tasarım Felsefesini Değiştiren Yeni Bir İmalat Anlayışı: Eklemeli İmalat
2024-1 Atakan Altınkaynak, Emrecan Soylemez Malzeme Ekstrüzyon Süreci Modellemesi ISBN:978-625-427-864-8 Tasarım Felsefesini Değiştiren Yeni Bir İmalat Anlayışı: Eklemeli İmalat
2024-1 Moral, K., Ayran, B. & Altug, E. Design and control of a modular multi-drone system with vertical assemble capability
A unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has limited payload capacity based on its design. This paper introduces a stackable UAV that can be assembled vertically. This, for example, can enable multiple UAVs to come together to carry a larger load. Firstly, a docking mechanism has been designed to dock multiple UAV modules into a UAV structure. Then, mathematical modeling of the UAV module and the UAV structure for the proposed system have been built. The second goal of this paper is to propose a novel PD controller gain calculation method. The purpose was not to retune the controller each time as the UAV number changes. As each UAV module is already tuned, this paper proposes a PD controller method in which the structure’s control gains are calculated by the number of UAV modules and the parameters of each module. Simulation and stability analysis of the proposed controller and experiments with manufactured UAVs have shown the benefits and performance of the UAV structure, as its performance has been compared with a single UAV module. Moreover, unlike previous work in the literature, the payload performance of a vertical-assembled UAV structure has been examined.
2024-1 Orhan Veli Kazancı  Yakup Erhan Böke Validation of Bluff-body Swirling Flame with RANS Turbulent Model and Comparison of the Results with LES Turbulent Model 10.5541/ijot.1380710 International Journal of Thermodynamics (IJoT) The energy required for technological advancement is primarily derived from hydrocarbon combustion, which is a key topic in thermodynamics. The stability of the flame in hydrocarbon combustion is a critical parameter that impacts both burner design and combustion efficiency. Various methods have been employed in the literature to achieve a stable flame, with swirl flow being one technique that enhances combustion performance in engineering applications. This study focuses on the numerical analysis of the SM1 flame from Sydney swirl flames. Initially, the flow incorporating the two-equation Re-Normalization Group (RNG) k-ε and Shear Stress Transport (SST) k-ω turbulence models, along with the chemical reactions of CH4 combustion using the GRI 3.0 reaction mechanism, was modeled and compared with experimental data. Subsequently, the numerical results obtained from the Shear Stress Transport k-ω turbulence model, which demonstrated the best agreement with experimental data, were compared with results from a numerical analysis in the literature using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) turbulence model. The predictive capabilities of these two turbulence models, along with their behavior in the flow region, were evaluated. The comparison revealed that for stable flames within the Sydney swirl flame family, the Shear Stress Transport k-ω turbulence model, which provides results in a more efficient manner, is sufficient compared to the computationally expensive Large Eddy Simulation turbulence model. This choice is made possible by utilizing a solution algorithm tailored to the flow characteristics and appropriate boundary conditions.
2024-1 Prof. Dr. Lütfullah Kuddusi MİKROKANALLAR AKIŞ VE ISI GEÇİŞİ
İTÜ Yayınevi  
2024-1 Merve Acer Kalafat, Hasan Sevinç, Shahrad Samankan Design of a foldable origami-inspired 6-DoF Stewart mechanism 10.1007/s12206-024-0235-5
This work presents a novel, foldable, miniature Stewart parallel mechanism with 6 DoF, which has a complex structure even for conventional methods using rigid parts. The developed mechanism is monolithic, having designed unique flexible joints. When folded, it has a 16 cm diameter circular footprint that works effectively in a 20×20×20 mm3 workspace. Inside this volume, the X and Y-axis rotational ranges are ±10° and the Z-axis rotational range is ±7.5°.
2024-1 Dila Türkmen, Merve Acer Kalafat Proportional control of a parallel robogami delta mechanism with embedded 2D printed angle sensor feedback 10.1177/095440622412283
We implement silver inkjet printed angle sensors for the first time into a robogami structure and use this class of sensors for control. For the first time, a parallel manipulator is controlled with a 2D sensor, and printed sensors are tested for continuous control. Performances are analyzed with set-point and tracking control tasks using a paper Delta mechanism, compared with on-off control and encoder feedback control cases for better evaluation. A detailed comparison with the existing studies both for robogami parallel mechanisms and other sensor-embedded flexible hinges is provided. Encoder-like control performances are achieved in a wide range of the joint space and down to ~1 mm. RMS task space accuracy is recorded. Sources and potential improvements for the less accurate regions are stated. We conclude that printed sensors are promising for parallel mechanisms and continuous signal control applications.
2024-1 Rasid Ahmed Yildiz, Andrei-Alexandru Popa, Mohammad Malekan On the effect of small laser spot size on the mechanical behaviour of 316L stainless steel fabricated by L-PBF additive manufacturing

2024-1 İsmail Kaya, Cemal Baykara The investigation of the effect of operating condition in gearboxes on efficiency 10.1177/16878132241248072 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
2024-2 Mithat Can Özin, Bilsay Sümer, İlker Murat Koç Theoretical modeling and error analysis of a compliant Y-shaped mechanism including beam joint stiffness and stress topology for size optimization of six-axis force/moment sensors Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering The novel compliant Y-shaped mechanisms have mechanical advantages for the multi-axis force/moment sensor since they yield more elastic deformation and more voltage output for strain gauge measurements compared to their common alternative cross-beam structures. This study includes stress topology and natural frequency approximations of the y-shaped structure by taking into account elastic beams and the stiffness of the beam connections.
2024-2 Mithat Can Özin, Bilsay Sümer, İlker Murat Koç Approximate Modeling of Cross-Beam Multi-Axis Force/Moment Sensor through Gaussian Process and Partial Dependence Plots For Design Optimization Including Stress Topology Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines This study introduces a novel approximate model (AM) aimed at optimizing the design of cross-beam multi-axis force/moment sensor. It considers the characteristics of flexure hinges in elastic beams and the flexibility of beam joints, resulting in improved accuracy and broader solutions for equivalent stresses and natural frequencies compared to existing approximate models in the literature.
2024-2 Candaş, A., Oterkus, E., İmrak, C.E. Modelling and Analysis of Wire Ropes Subjected to Transverse Impact Load using Peridynamic Theory The article titled "Modelling and Analysis of Wire Ropes Subjected to Transverse Impact Load using Peridynamic Theory," co-authored by Dr. Adem Candaş and Prof. Dr. C. Erdem İmrak, has been published in the Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University. This study addresses the modeling of failure in wire ropes using Peridynamic theory.
2024-2 Çiner, A., Oliva, M., Ventura, J., Sarıkaya, M.A., Candaş, A., Palacios, D., Altınay, O., Binnie, S.A., Castaneda, N. Late Pleistocene glacial chronology and paleoclimate of the Cadí Massif, SE Pyrenees, Spain: Insights from 36Cl cosmogenic surface exposure dating and glacier modelling The article titled "Late Pleistocene glacial chronology and paleoclimate of the Cadí Massif, SE Pyrenees, Spain: Insights from 36Cl cosmogenic surface exposure dating and glacier modelling," to which Dr. Adem Candaş contributed through numerical glacier modeling and paleoclimate reconstruction, has been published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews. This interdisciplinary study combines cosmogenic surface exposure dating techniques and glacier modeling methods in the Pyrenees region of Spain to derive paleoclimatic insights related to the Younger Dryas period.
2024-2 Sarıkaya M.A., Candaş, A., Ege İ., Wilcken K.M. Geochronology and ice-flow modelling of the Late Quaternary glaciers on Mt. Soğanlı, Türkiye The article titled "Geochronology and ice-flow modelling of the Late Quaternary glaciers on Mt. Soğanlı, Türkiye," to which Dr. Adem Candaş contributed through numerical glacier modeling and paleoclimate reconstruction, has been published in the journal Journal of Quaternary Science. This interdisciplinary study combines cosmogenic surface exposure dating techniques and glacier modeling methods in the Karanfil Dağı region of Türkiye to derive paleoclimatic insights related to the Last Glacial Maximum period.
2024-2 Akif Yavuz, Osman Taha Şen Investigation of friction induced vibrations on a nonlinear two degree of freedom mathematical model and experimental validation 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2024.104799 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics This study investigates the dynamic behavior of a mass-sliding belt system through a nonlinear mathematical model and experiments. Numerical analyses reveal that the system can exhibit deterministic or chaotic responses, with period doubling being the transition mechanism. Friction models developed using artificial neural networks are integrated into the mathematical model, showing good agreement with experimental data. The research provides valuable insights into the system's dynamic responses and bifurcation behavior.
2024-2 Akif Yavuz, Osman Taha Şen Novel approaches to assessing brake squeal propensity: comparative evaluation of two index formulations. 10.3397/IN_2024_3952 This study introduces two novel high-frequency brake noise index formulations to evaluate brake squeal, a significant NVH (Noise, Vibration, and Harshness) issue in automotive braking systems. The first index focuses on the time domain, considering the duration of noise events, while the second index emphasizes the frequency domain, focusing on super-harmonic peaks. The newly developed indices are compared with the high-frequency brake noise index defined by the SAE J2521 standard, and it is found that the time-domain-based formulation demonstrates superior capability in distinguishing the effects of design parameters on noise behavior.
2024-2 Alaeddin Burak irez Inspection of microwave self‐healing efficiency in carbon nanotube reinforced polymer composites for aerospace applications Irez, A. B., (2024). “Inspection of microwave self‐healing efficiency in carbon nanotube reinforced polymer composites for aerospace applications.” 2024;45:9995–10010. Polymer Composites – Q1
2024-2 Alaeddin Burak irez, Hasan Yakar Transformation of waste carbon fiber prepreg into sustainable composites: Application in the automotive industry components Irez, A. B., and Yakar, H., (2024) “Transformation of waste carbon fiber prepreg into sustainable composites: Application in the automotive industry components” 2024;45:9471–86. Polymer Composites Journal– Q1
2024-2 Alaeddin Burak irez Biaxial Fatigue Failure of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 6,6: Investigation of Thermal Evolution and Damage Mechanisms Irez, A. B. (2024). “Biaxial Fatigue Failure of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 6,6: Investigation of Thermal Evolution and Damage Mechanisms” Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials – Q2
2024-2 Kemal Hasırcı, Berkay Ergene, Alaeddin Burak irez Self-healing hybrid laminate composites reinforced with Silicon Carbide Whiskers with enhanced tribological performance: Applications in Wind Turbine Blades Hasirci, K., Ergene, B., Irez, A. B., (2024). “Self-healing hybrid laminate composites reinforced with Silicon Carbide Whiskers with enhanced tribological performance: Applications in Wind Turbine Blades” Polymer Composites - (Q1)
2024-2 Alaeddin Burak irez Development of Sunflower Husk Reinforced Sustainable Composites: An Experimental Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal Characteristics Irez, A. B., (2024). “Development of Sunflower Husk Reinforced Sustainable Composites : An Experimental Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal Characteristics” 2024;62:3471–84. Journal of Polymer Science - Q2
2024-2 Alaeddin Burak irez, Merve Bağcı Bilgen Effect of printing parameters on impact energy absorption of additively manufactured hierarchical structures Irez, A. B., and Bilgen, M., (2024). “Effect of printing parameters on impact energy absorption of additively manufactured hierarchical structures” 2024;30:1161–9. Rapid Prototyping Journal – Q1
2024-2 Alaeddin Burak irez, Alperen Doğru The Microstructural Evolution of MEX Based Additive Manufacturing of Polyetheretherketone Under Different Printing Conditions and Application in a Spinal Implant Irez, A. B., and Dogru, A., (2024). “The Microstructural Evolution of MEX Based Additive Manufacturing of Polyetheretherketone Under Different Printing Conditions and Application in a Spinal Implant” Polymer Engineering and Science - Q2
2024-2 Emrullah Cebe, Alaeddin Burak irez Novel Hybrid Polymer Composites for Optimized Thermal Performance in Electric Vehicle Battery Cases DOI: 10.1002/pc.29381 Cebe, E., Irez, A. B. (2024). “Novel Hybrid Polymer Composites for Optimized Thermal Performance in Electric Vehicle Battery Cases” Polymer Composites Journal – Q1
2024-2 Emrullah Cebe, Alaeddin Burak irez Elektrikli Araçlarda Batarya Kutusu İmali İçin Termal Özellikleri İyileştirilmiş Hibrit Polimer Kompozitlerin Geliştirilmesi ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi Cebe, E., Irez, A. B. (2024). “Elektrikli Araçlarda Batarya Kutusu İmali İçin Termal Özellikleri İyileştirilmiş Hibrit Polimer Kompozitlerin Geliştirilmesi ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi” International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 36(3), 224-234.
2024-2 Ashlee S. Liao, Kevin Dai, Alaeddin Burak Irez, Anika Sun, Michael J. Bennington, Saul Schaffer, Bhavya Chopra, Ji Min Seok, Rebekah Adams, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Victoria A. Webster-Wood Cytotoxicity and Characterization of 3D-Printable Resins Using a Low-Cost Printer for Muscle-based Biohybrid Devices Biorxiv
2024-2 Ahmed Saadallah Salman, Ali Hussein Abdulkarim, Qays A Ali, Kakei A Ayad, Aliihsan Koca, Jayantha Epaarachchi, Ahmet Selim Dalkilic Air thermal management platform assessment in centralized and decentralized air-conditioning systems Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
2024-2 Aliihsan Koca, Mustafa Doğu 'Sağlık İnovasyonunda Proje Yönetimi' ISBN: 9786256340367 Yayınevi: Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Editör: Prof. Dr. Erhan AKDOĞAN Bu bölümde araştırma ve geliştirme projeleri özelinde, bütüncül proje yönetim yaklaşımına, proje yaşam döngüsü boyunca fikirden ürüne geçişteki boşlukların nasıl doldurulabileceğine ve projelerdeki başarı şansının arttırılmasına yönelik öneriler tartışılmıştır.
2024-2 Alperen Yıldızeli, Orkun Mert Üstun, Kaan Mutlu, Sertac Çadırcı Multi-objective optimization and sensitivity analysis of offset strip fin compact heat exchangers In this study, the aerothermal performance of Offset Strip Fin Compact Heat Exchangers (OSF-CHE) is optimized with the multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization method. Available empirical correlations for the Fanning factor and Colburn factor are utilized in the optimization process. Selected off-design Pareto-optimal solutions for compact heat exchanger configurations are reconstructed and simulated by Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations at various boundary conditions after extensive validation processes. Optimized OSF-CHE designs are shown to have improved aerothermal performances among comparable designs in the literature. It has been shown that a high Reynolds number in the range of 1,500–2,000 as a flow attribute provides the Fanning factor ranging from 0.0228 to 0.0619 and the Colburn factor between 0.0067 and 0.0122 and Re is more dominant than geometric design variables on the objective functions. Low and moderate Reynolds number flows at 500 and 1,000 offer a wider selection range for both objective functions on the Pareto-front.
2024-2 Huseyin Gunhan Ozcan, Arif Hepbasli, Aysegul Abusoglu A numerical approach to exergy-based sustainability and environmental assessments of solar energy-powered district cooling systems using actual operational data Process Safety and Environmental Protection The demand for cooling in buildings has been increasing at a higher rate than heating, and more energy is expected to meet this demand. Solar energy can be vital in fulfilling this energy requirement based on its unique renewable energy features. The solar thermal powered absorption cooling (STAC) and solar electrical assisted vapor compression cooling (SEVC) systems are assessed in this study by conducting the conventional and advanced exergy analyses and environmental assessment. Determining the unavoidable part of exergy destruction, as in this study, provides a unique convenience in design problems where the thermodynamic performances of distinct systems are compared. Under current technological conditions, removing the thermodynamically optimized parameters of the designed systems from the minima-maxima dichotomy and rationally evaluating the avoidable part of exergy destruction will protect the researcher from the arbitrariness of the design. The obtained results based on conventional exergy analysis in a component manner showed that priority should be given to solar technologies due to their lowest exergy efficiencies (0.16 for a photovoltaic (PV) and 0.19 for a collector) and sustainability indices (1.20 for the PV and 1.24 for the collector). Advanced exergy analysis results revealed that the exergy destruction significantly originated from the unavoidable part of the total exergy destruction of the components for the solar technologies (93.02 % for the collector and 96.41 % for the PV), cooling (92.12 % for the absorption and 98.42 % for the vapor compression), and overall system (99.92 % for the SEVC and 99.99 % for the STAC). The initial estimated carbon dioxide emissions from the STAC were 0.28 kg CO2-eq, attributed to pump power consumption. However, these emissions varied dynamically for the SEVC, ranging from 0 (when the solar PV field meets the total power) to 5.58 kg CO2-eq (when radiation is not available), depending on the power-consuming components (compressor and pumps).
2024-2 B. Kirim, E. Soylemez, E. Tan, E. Yasa, Thermal modeling of variable process parameter effects in powder bed fusion using electron beam This study aims to develop a novel thermal modeling strategy to simulate electron beam powder bed fusion at part scale with machine-varying process parameters strategy. Single-bead and part-scale experiments and modeling were studied. Scanning strategies were described by the process controlling functions that enabled modeling.
2024-2 A. Özel, E. Soylemez Experimental Investigation of Processing Temperature Effect on Adhesive Bond Strength Between Engineering Thermoplastics in the Plastic Injection Molding Process 10.1115/1.4065847 Multicomponent injection molding industry is experiencing a growth due to its ability to reduce production costs and streamline processes. However, compared to single injection, multicomponent injection molding introduces interface regions where multiple engineering polymers meet. Consequently, it is essential to comprehend and enhance the adhesive bonding strength properties of these polymers. This study investigates the adhesive bond strength of polymer–polymer multimaterial molding using two-shot bi-injection and overmolding techniques. The research also emphasizes the influence of injection molding process parameters of mold temperature and melt temperature on the adhesive bond strength of polycarbonate (PC), polycarbonate–acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (PC–ABS), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), and styrene ethylene butadiene styrene (SEBS). Tensile strength results revealed that the bi-injection method yields the highest interface strength, approximately 10 MPa lower than the reference value for single-material hard–hard plastics. Results from overmolded samples for both injection sequences are presented, indicating that material with low melting temperature was found to be the first injected part for better adhesion strength. Empirical equations for estimating adhesion strength were derived as a function of interface temperature obtained from CAE numerical simulations and polymer glass transition temperatures. The proposed equation achieved R2 values greater than 0.96. This empirically derived equation will serve as a guide for multi-injection manufacturing processes.
2024-2 Ömer Çakmak and Erdinç Altuğ Precise Orientation Control of Gimbals with Parametric Variations Using Model Reference Adaptive Controller This study focuses on a model reference adaptive control method that ensures identical orientation outputs for different prototypes of a two-axis gimbal produced in mass production. In this method, unlike traditional MRAC structures, an MRAC structure is used in conjunction with state feedback control. The obtained results demonstrate that the MRAC+State Feedback control structure significantly reduces the error in the gimbal's orientation response compared to the reference model.
2024-2 Ismail Hakkı Sanlıtürk and Hikmet Kocabas Precise Calculation of Inverse Kinematics of the Center of Gravity for Bipedal Walking Robots Applied Sciences Applied Sciences ISSN: 2076-3417 Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 3706.
2024-2 İLKER MURAT KOÇ, Arda Kutlu, Ferhat Sağlam Esneyerek Dişli Boşluğu Alan Mekanizma Başvuru Numarası: 2023/005190 Servo sistemlerde, sistemi süren dişliler ile sürülen dişli arasındaki boşluğu esneyerek alan bir mekanizma (A) olup özelliği; dişlileri birbirine iterek birbirine yaklaştırıp, dişlilerin birbirine teması esnasında dişliler arasında sürekli olarak değişen boşluğa göre sürekli esneyerek dişliler arasındaki boşluğu almak üzere esnek braket (10), esnek braketin (10) dişliler üzerinde oluşturması istenen kuvveti oluşturmasına imkan verecek kadar yer değiştirmesini sağlamak üzere ön gerilme parçası (11), esnek brakete (10) istenen oranda gerilme verildikten sonra esnek braket (10) ve ön gerilme parçası (11) birbirine sabitlenmesini sağlamak üzere sabitleme parçası (12) içermesidir.
2024-2 A. Tavasli, D. T. Atila, S. Faraji, L. A. Majewski, L. Trabzon Organic Phototransistors and Their Applications on Artificial Synapses Sensor and Actuators A: Physical, 371, 115311
2024-2 S. Ok, J. Samuel, D. Bahzad, M. A. Safa, M.-A Hejazi, L. Trabzon The Asphaltenes: State-of-the-Art Applications and Future Perspectives in Materials Science Energy and Fuels, 38, 10421 – 10444 / Cover Page
2024-2 N. A. Arslan, R. M. Helmy, L. Trabzon Comparative Study on Obtaining Paper and Thread-based Microfluidics via Simple Fabrication Techniques 10.31127/tuje.1432125 Turkish Journal of Engineering, Vol. 8, pgs. 551 - 562
2024-2 M-A. Hejazi, L. Trabzon Development of a Flexible Porous GNP-PDMS Composite: Tunable Thermal and Electrical Properties for Novel Applications Applied Composite Materials, 31(5) 1645-1661
2024-2 M-A. Hejazi, İ. Y. Coşkun, F. Y. Ünlü, A. Aydogan, C. Ünlü, L. Trabzon Novel Carbon Quantum Dots Enhanced Carbon Nanotubes-Graphene Hybrid Nanocomposite for VOCs Detection Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 148, 111438
2024-2 M. Javadzadehkalkhoran, L. Trabzon Preparation and Characterization of Affordable Experimental Setup for Particulate Matter Sensing Sensing and Imaging, 25(1), 29
2024-2 S. Çaylak, O. Demirel, M. Javadzadehkalkhoran, A. Navidfar, M. Yaşacan, L. Trabzon Preparation and Characterization of High-Performance Water-Based Graphene Dispersions for Conductive Coating on Textiles The Journal of the Textile Institute,1-9
2024-2 A. Ozcelik, G. M. Demirbolat, O. Erdogan, B. Kozan, F. Akkoyun, E. Celik, E. Gumus, L. Trabzon, O. Cevik Lab‑on‑a‑chip system for small extracellular vesicle isolation and drug loading for small extracellular vesicle‑mediated drug delivery for treatment of cancer patients Emergent Materials
2024-2 Tunca Zeki Berkkurt, Merve Acer Kalafat, Atakan Altınkaynak Investigation of process parameters’ effects on strand morphology of FDM products Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is widely utilized in additive manufacturing, with the product quality significantly dependent on the strand cross-section geometry. This paper investigates how process parameters affect strand morphology in FDM-printed parts. This is achieved by monitoring the nozzle's position throughout the printing process and analyzing the cross-sectional dimensions of sample strands produced under varying conditions through microscopy.
2024-2 Bilsay Sümer, Mithat Can Özin, İlker Murat Koç Approximate modeling of cross-beam multi-axis force/moment sensor through Gaussian process and partial dependence plots for design optimization including stress topology 10.1080/15397734.2024.2382841 This study introduces a novel approximate model (AM) aimed at optimizing the design of cross-beam multi-axis force/moment sensor. It considers the characteristics of flexure hinges in elastic beams and the flexibility of beam joints, resulting in improved accuracy and broader solutions for equivalent stresses and natural frequencies compared to existing approximate models in the literature. Model validation is carried out by comparing the results with the finite element model in different cases that each case contains 1000 simulations. Validation cases combine different sensor dimensions with different forces, moments, material properties, and center hub shapes. Each validation case typically requires approximately 19 h using the finite element method (FEM) and just 1 sec with the AM. Furthermore, by using the Gaussian process and partial dependence plots, the sensitivity of the model accuracy on normalized sensor dimensions is investigated. The evaluation of model linearity and dimension normalization allows for the utilization of the novel approximate model beyond the provided dimension range, while still adhering to the normalized parameters. The implementation of AM in the design optimization problem demonstrates its suitability and advantages compared to existing literature and FEM results. When compared to finite element solutions within the sensor workspace, the approximate model exhibits a stiffness error of 5%, a strain error of 2%, a fundamental frequency error of 3%, and an equivalent stress error of 8%, while maintaining correlations of axial sensor properties above 98%.
2024-2 Mithat Can Özin, Bilsay Sümer, İlker Murat Koç Theoretical modeling and error analysis of a compliant Y-shaped mechanism including beam joint stiffness and stress topology for size optimization of six-axis force/moment sensors 10.1007/s40430-024-05099-z The novel compliant Y-shaped mechanisms have mechanical advantages for the multi-axis force/moment sensor since they yield more elastic deformation and more voltage output for strain gauge measurements compared to their common alternative cross-beam structures. This study includes stress topology and natural frequency approximations of the y-shaped structure by taking into account elastic beams and the stiffness of the beam connections. Subsequently, the stiffness and strain output accuracy of the model greatly improved compared to previous studies. The accuracy of the theoretical model is examined in a sensor dimension range by statistical error and parameter analysis. Comparing with the finite element model, results show that the percent error of the theoretical model is 2% for strain, 5% for stiffness, 3% for first natural frequency, and 8% for equivalent stresses, with all correlations above 98%. Comparing the optimization results with the literature, although the y-shaped structure shows similar mechanical behavior with the cross-beam structure, the voltage output of the y-shaped structure is increased up to for force/moment axes. Moreover, the optimization process with MATLAB GlobalSearch lasts approximately 1 s for the theoretical model and 8 h for the finite element model.
2024-2 Ali Ghasemi ,Rasid Ahmed Yildiz, Mohammad Malekan Investigating temperature, stress, and residual stresses in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of Inconel 625
2024-2 Abdülhamit Adsoy, Serpil Kurt, Ahmet Topuz Influence of fly ash and waste tire rubber particles on mechanical and tribological properties of composite brake linings How to cite this article: Adsoy A, Kurt S, Topuz A. Influence of fly ash and waste tire rubber particles on mechanical and tribological properties of composite brake linings. Polym Compos. 2024; 1‐14. doi:10.1002/pc.29328
2024-2 Kerem Karahan, Sertac Cadirci Investigation of Fluid Dynamics in Various Aircraft Wing Tank Designs Using 1D and CFD Simulations In this study, design details of the baffles were investigated with the help of an artificial neural network (ANN) model, 1D simulations, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations. As a result of all analyses, it was revealed that barrier usage is the most dominant input parameter on CG deviation followed by volume fraction, cutout hole diameter, cutout divergence, and finally, the number of cutout holes. This study identifies the dominant input parameters to control fuel sloshing, specifically CG deviation and retreat time in the fuel tank, and proposes baffle designs to promote robust flight stability.
2024-2 Evren Geydirici, Kuzey C Derman, Sertac Cadirci Aerodynamic Performance Evaluation of a Coaxial Octocopter Based on Taguchi Method The design and optimization of propellers for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are essential for optimal performance and high efficiency. This study focuses on four main parameters: the propeller type, the horizontal and vertical separation distances between the propellers, and the ratio between the rotational speeds of the upper propeller and the lower one. The results showed that the aerodynamic performance parameters are not dependent on all the selected parameters, and demonstrated that the selected propeller designs improved aerodynamic performance.
2024-2 Cem Turutoglu, Sertac Cadirci, Serdar Yilmaz, Duygu Erdem Calibration of the Reynolds stress model for turbulent round free jets based on jet half-width Reynolds stress model (RSM) turbulence models are expected to yield more accurate numerical results for flows with strong anisotropy, such as round free jets, because they directly solve Reynolds stresses rather than modeling them. In this study, the closure coefficients of the IP RSM turbulence model were calibrated using a variant of the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm based on jet half-width data obtained experimentally in the near-field region of the jet.
2024-2 Ege Mert Ertorun, Mucahit Yayla, Deniz Isik, Sertac Cadirci One-way fluid–structure interaction modeling and multi-objective optimization of horizontal-axis wind turbine blades equipped with winglets This study aims to investigate the effects of backward-directed winglets applied on the NREL Phase-II reference wind turbine geometry on structural and aerodynamic characteristics and to reveal optimized configurations. A multi-objective genetic algorithm using artificial neural network (ANN) models was used to optimize the objectives Cp and von-Mises stress. The study demonstrates the aerodynamic benefits and structural drawbacks of various winglet designs in horizontal axis wind turbines.
2024-2 Mertcan Kaya, Mehmet Ali Akbulut, Zeki Yağız Bayraktaroğlu, Kolja Kühnlenz A Novel Recursive Algorithm for the Implementation of Adaptive Robot Controllers 10.1007/s10846-024-02135-x In this paper, a novel recursive and efficient algorithm for real-time implementation of the adaptive and passivity-based controllers in model-based control of robot manipulators is proposed. Many of the previous methods on these topics involve the computation of the regressor matrix explicitly or non-recursive computations, which remains as the main challenge in practical applications. The proposed method achieves a compact and fully recursive reformulation without computing the regressor matrix or its elements. This paper is based on a comprehensive literature review of the previously proposed methods, presented in a unified mathematical framework suitable for understanding the fundamentals and making comparisons. The considered methods are implemented on several processors and their performances are compared in terms of real-time computational efficiency. Computational results show that the proposed Adaptive Newton-Euler Algorithm significantly reduces the computation time of the control law per cycle time in the implementation of adaptive control laws. In addition, using the dynamic simulation of an industrial robot with 6-DoF, trajectory tracking performances of the adaptive controllers are compared with those of non-adaptive control methods where dynamic parameters are assumed to be known.
2024-2 Volkan Bekir Yangin, Özgen Akalın, Yaprak Yalçın High-speed trajectory following of a heavy-duty vehicle via adaptive nonlinear model predictive controller 10.1504/IJVP.2024.137675 In this paper, a controller based on novel discrete-time adaptive nonlinear model predictive control (AN-MPC) is proposed to enhance the trajectory tracking performance of a heavy-duty vehicle preventing the wheel lift-off and lateral slip, increasing maximum NATO double lane change (DLC) speed. An eight-DOF nonlinear vehicle model is designed as a system model to obtain the realistic behaviour of the vehicle. This model is experimentally validated by using the data obtained in NATO DLC tests. The proposed controller is based on a two-DOF nonlinear single-track vehicle model and configured to be adaptive in two aspects: linearisation of the base model at each sampling instant and online tuning of the controller parameters. The tuning process is achieved by an artificial-neural-network structure. The simulated results revealed that the DLC speeds can be significantly improved due to the predictive capability of the proposed controller, compared to the classical PID controllers or human drivers.
2024-2 Volkan Bekir Yangin, Yaprak Yalçın, Ozgen Akalin An Improved Vehicle Path-Tracking Model Based on Adaptive Nonlinear Model Predictive Control via Online Big Bang—Big Crunch Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network 10.4271/10-08-04-0032 In this article, a novel tuning approach is proposed to obtain the best weights of the discrete-time adaptive nonlinear model predictive controller (AN-MPC) with consideration of improved path-following performance of a vehicle at different speeds in the NATO double lane change (DLC) maneuvers. The proposed approach combines artificial neural network (ANN) and Big Bang–Big Crunch (BB–BC) algorithm in two stages. Initially, ANN is used to tune all AN-MPC weights online. Vehicle speed, lateral position, and yaw angle outputs from many simulations, performed with different AN-MPC weights, are used to train the ANN structure. In addition, set-point signals are used as inputs to the ANN. Later, the BB–BC algorithm is implemented to enhance the path-tracking performance. ANN outputs are selected as the initial center of mass in the first iteration of the BB–BC algorithm. To prevent control signal fluctuations, control and prediction horizons are kept constant during the simulations. The results showed that all AN-MPC weights are successfully tuned online and updated during the maneuvers, and the path-following performance of the ego vehicle is improved at different NATO DLC speeds using the proposed ANN + BB–BC, compared to the method where ANN is used only.
2024-2 Dorukhan Tokay, Volkan Bekir Yangin, Özgen Akalın Viability of Differential Braking Based Steering Redundancy for an Autonomous Vehicle (The 28th IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks) 10.1007/978-3-031-66968-2_50 Increasing demand for autonomous vehicles results in ever increasing research and development on safety-critical systems. This paper takes on the idea of using differential braking as a redundant steering system. The performance of the proposed method is tested using double lane change maneuvers. Two PID controllers are utilized to minimize the error between reference lateral position, yaw angle and system outputs. “Constant Velocity Offset Plus Sine Lane Change” model is used to obtain the reference trajectories. Gains of the controllers are tuned by using “Particle Swarm Optimization” method. High-fidelity multi-body vehicle dynamics simulations are performed in ADAMS Car and the controller is set up in Simulink environment, resulting in a co-simulation scheme. The simulated results are presented for two scenarios with one high and one low speed cases. The effects of front wheel scrub radius on the success of differential braking are also discussed in detail. This study may shed light on the development of new redundant steering systems for self-driving vehicles.
2024-2 Volkan Bekir Yangin, Yaprak Yalçın, Ozgen Akalin Variable-Speed Autonomous Path Tracking of a Vehicle via Robust Linear Model Predictive Controller (International Scientific Conference on Aeronautics, Automotive and Railway Engineering and Technologies BulTrans-2024) Model predictive controller (MPC) can deal with path-tracking problems of autonomous vehicles due to its predictive ability. However, changes in vehicle speed have a significant impact on the linear controller performance. In this study, a novel robust linear MPC (RL-MPC) is proposed to obtain the required front wheel steering angle to keep a vehicle on reference trajectories in the NATO double-lane-change maneuver. The proposed controller is based on a one-track, 2-DOF linear vehicle model, and controller parameters are tuned to ensure successful trajectory tracking at different vehicle speeds. The tuning process is practically handled by artificial neural networks (ANN) structure. The simulated results revealed that the proposed RL-MPC can improve the path-following performance, and provide flexibility to operate at different vehicle speeds, compared to the linear-quadratic-integral (LQI) and I controller (LQI + I) set.
2024-2 Aydın, A., Engin, T. and Kılıç, S Design and optimization of a combi boiler heat exchanger: A CFD-based approach Applied Thermal Engineering, 257 (2024) 124178
2024-2 Serbes, S.A., Engin, T., Kemerli, M., Kayrakoğlu, E. and Aydın, A. The Fluid Behavior of a Non-Orifice TLCD under Harmonic Excitation: From Experiments to Analytical Solution Buildings, 14(2782), pp.1-23.
2024-2 Mustafa Vargün, Ahmet Yapmaz, Volkan Kalender, Ilker Turgut Yılmaz Investigation of the effects of using hydrogen enriched fuel blends in a diesel engine on engine performance, combustion and exhaust emissions International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  
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ITU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


ITU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering takes pride in having close to 100 years of Mechanical Engineering tradition, and has currently 33 Professors, 12 Associate Professors, 24 Assistant Professors and 15 Lecturers as Faculty members. At present, we have over 2000 undergraduate students, all of which were selected among the top ~0.5% of the ~2.3 million students taking the nationwide university entrance exam annually.

Founded in 1933, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering received its current name in 1944. With the university reform in 1933, the Institute of Electricity and Machines of the Istanbul University was replaced by the Electro-Mechanic Department; and by doing so our Mechanical Engineering education, which still continues, began 87 years ago. 11 years later in 1944, the name of the institution was changed to Istanbul Technical University and under it a separate school/college of Mechanical Engineering was founded with the current name: “Faculty of Mechanical Engineering“.

Our faculty is one of the oldest institutions in our country that carries out education and research activities in the field of mechanical engineering. The different engineering branches it hosts have developed and become a faculty. in 1969; Faculty of Naval Architecture and Marine Sciences, in 1983; The Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design and the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics gained their independent status.In the first years, the Mining Engineering department, which was part of the basic sciences and general engineering courses instruct within the scope of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, became an independent faculty in 1953.

ITU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering performs research and education in the design, development and production planning of all types of mechanical and energy transformation systems. Our 75 Faculty members are performing research and development in a wide range of areas related to both immediate needs of the industry and also cutting edge science for future technologies and applications. Our research areas include, but not limited to, Automotive Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Robotics, Textile Industry, Defense Industry, Reverse Engineering, Clean Energy, Renewable Energy, Underground Gasification, MEMS, Nanotechnology, Pharmaceutics, and Biomolecular Engineering.

With its gorgeous Ottoman era building providing extensive lab space, massive laboratory and research investment performed in the past 87 years, and the recent addition of the 1500 m2 big Dr. Keskin Keser student lab building, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has one of the most extensive educational and research laboratories in Turkey and provides its students with top quality Mechanical Engineering education in a gorgeous historical building located at a prime location in the very heart of Istanbul.