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Makina fakültesi akademisyenlerimiz alanlarındaki çalışmalarını 2023 yılı içerisinde ulusal ve uluslararası dergilerde yayınlamışlardır. Akademisyenlerimizin başarılarını kutlarız.

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Ulusal ve Uluslararası Dergilerde Yapılan Yayınlar
Dönem Yazar Yayın Başlığı Doi Numarası Detaylar
2023-2 Ozcan H. G.| Hepbasli A.| Abusoglu A.| Anvari-Moghaddam A. Energy, exergy, economic, environmental and sustainability (4ES) analyses of a wastewater source heat pump system for district heating applications based on real operationa  
2023-2 Tas N.| Abusoglu A. Assessment of the Effect of Lint Accumulation in the Heater Channel on the Performance of the Water Cooled Washing Drying Machines in Different Operating Conditions   14th International Energy, Exergy, Environment symposium (IEEES-14), Piri Reis University, 24-27 December 2023, İstanbul.
2023-2 Koca, A.| Çalışkan, C.İ.| Koç, E.| Akbal, Ö. A Novel 3D Printed Air-Cooled Fuel Cooler Heat Exchanger for Aviation Industry Heat Transfer Engineering: SCI-Q2
2023-2 Çalışkan, C.İ.| Koca, A.| Özer, G. et al Efficiency comparison of conformal cooling channels produced by additive and subtractive manufacturing in automotive industry plastic injection moulds: a hybrid application Int J Adv Manuf Technol: SCI-Q1 Üniversite (İTÜ) & Sanayii (CAVO otomotiv) iş birliğinde gerçekleştirilen araştırma çalışmasıdır. Destek: Çalışmadaki nümerik faaliyetler 44056 numaralı İTÜ projesi kapsamında yürütülmüştür. 
2023-2 Çolak, B.A.| Acikgoz, O.| Karakoyun, Y.| Koca, A.| Dalkilic, A.S., Experimental and numerical investigations on the heat transfer characteristics of a real-sized radiant cooled wall system supported by machine learning International Journal of Thermal Sciences: SCI-Q1
2023-2 Alaeddin Burak Irez, Sukru Yirik Development of Cost-Effective Sustainable Hybrid Composites Based on Recycled PP and Chopped Carbon Fibers Bu çalışma havacılık endüstrisinde kullanılan yapısal parçaların imalatı esnasında ortaya çıkan ve mekanik özellikler açısından değeri olan yan ürünlerin katma değerli yapısal kompozitlere dönüştürülmesi çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. / The present research study was conducted as part of a process involving the transformation of mechanically valuable by-products into value-added structural composites during the production of aerospace structural components.
2023-2 M. Atıf Yılmaz, Kemal Hasırcı, Hasan Yakar, Serhat Çetin, Alaeddin Burak irez Development of Self-healing Glass Fiber Reinforced Laminate Composites for Wind Turbine Blades Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference and Exposition. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023 Bu çalışma kapsamında deniz aşırı rüzgar türbinlerinde kullanılmak üzere geliştirilen, kendi kendini iyileştirme kabiliyeti olan kompozitlerin kırılma mekaniği ve hasar mekanizmaları üzerine eğinilmiştir. / This study focuses on the investigation of the fracture mechanics and damage processes of self-healing composites specifically designed for application in offshore wind turbines.
2023-2 Merve Bagci Bilgen, Alaeddin Burak Irez Development of PEEK matrix polymer composite and additive manufacturing by pellet extrusion method Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference and Exposition. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. Bu çalışma kapsamında, insan omurgasında implant olarak kullanılmak üzere geliştirilen biyouyumlu, eklemeli imalatla üretilen malzemelerin mekanik davranışları incelenmiştir. / This study looked into the mechanical behavior of additively manufactured biocompatible materials intended for use as spine implants in humans.
2023-2 Yıldızelı Alperen, Bulgu Selin, Çadırcı Sertaç, Yıldırım Sema Investigation of the Effects of Needle Designs on the Root Canal Irrigation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics This study aims to investigate the effects of irrigation needles on the flow inside the root canal and compare their performances with the help of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyzes
2023-2 Yıldızelı Alperen, Çadırcı Sertaç Numerical Investigation Of Plate Cooling Using Multiple Impinging Jets In Different Alignments In this study, heat transfer performance of multiple impinging jet arrays in different arrangements is numerically investigated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
2023-2 Ufuk Demir, Celal Satıcı, Filiz Koşar, Hasan Güneş Numerical Investigation of the Effects of the Bronchial Stenosis on Airflow in Human Respiratory Tract   The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of obstructions in main bronchitis on the airflow pattern and provide a better understanding to flow characteristics in healthy and obstructed (bronchial obstructions) human airways throughout a tidal breathing pattern.
2023-2 Hasan Güneş Kondenserli Çamaşir Kurutma Makinesinde Fan Veriminin Enerji Tüketimi Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelemesi Bildiri ULUSLARARASI KATILIMLI 24. ISI BİLİMİ VE TEKNİĞİ KONGRESİ
2023-2 Hasan Güneş Effects of Cooling Airflow Rate and Temperature on The Water Collection in Condenser Dryers: One-Dimensional Modeling Approach Bildiri 10. ULUSLARARASI MÜHENDİSLİK VE TEKNOLOJİ YÖNETİMİ KONGRESİ
2023-2 Hasan Güneş An Investigation of Heat Transfer in The Heat Exchanger of a Condenser Tumble Dryer Bildiri The 14th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium
2023-2 Hasan Güneş Experimental Investigation of Drying and Energy Performance in a Condenser Tumble Dryer Bildiri International World Energy Conference-III
2023-2 Mertol Tüfekci, Vehbi Öztekin, İnci Pir, Murat Alioğlu, Can Dikicioğlu, Adnan Dikicioğlu, Ekrem Tüfekci Low strain rate mechanical performance of balsa wood and carbon fibre-epoxy-balsa sandwich structures The focus of this study is the experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of balsa wood and its sandwich structures, where balsa serves as the core, supported by carbon fibre-epoxy skin layers. A comprehensive characterisation is conducted on the mechanical behaviour of balsa wood and carbon fibre-epoxy balsa core sandwich structures subjected to a range of low strain rates. Initially, the study undertakes a consistent procedure for sample preparation. Subsequently, the characterisation of the manufactured composite structures is performed experimentally. A stereo microscope is employed for a detailed visual inspection of the internal structure of the balsa wood and the sandwich structures. Furthermore, the mechanical characterisation is carried out with three-point bending tests at a range of strain rates from 0.1 % to 6 % strain per minute. This research reveals key findings about balsa wood and its sandwich structures, highlighting their performance and their sensitivity even under low strain rates.
2023-2 Seren Acarer, İnci Pir, Mertol Tüfekci, Tuǧba Erkoç, Sevgi Güneş Durak, Vehbi Öztekin, Güler Türkoǧlu Demirkol, Mehmet Şükrü Özçoban, Tuba Yelda Temelli Çoban, Selva Ćavuş, and Neşe Tüfekci Halloysite Nanotube-Enhanced Polyacrylonitrile Ultrafiltration Membranes: Fabrication, Characterization, and Performance Evaluation This research focuses on the production and characterization of pristine polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as well as halloysite nanotube (HNT)-doped PAN ultrafiltration (UF) membranes via the phase inversion technique. Membranes containing 0.1, 0.5, and 1% wt HNT in 16% wt PAN are fabricated, and their chemical compositions are examined using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is utilized to characterize the membranes’ surface and cross-sectional morphologies. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is employed to assess the roughness of the PAN/HNT membrane. Thermal characterization is conducted using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA), while contact angle and water content measurements reveal the hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties. The pure water flux (PWF) performance of the porous UF water filtration membranes is evaluated at 3 bar, with porosity and mean pore size calculations. The iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and total organic carbon (TOC) removal efficiencies of PAN/HNT membranes from dam water are examined, and the surfaces of fouled membranes are investigated by using SEM post-treatment. Mechanical characterization encompasses tensile testing, the Mori–Tanaka homogenization approach, and finite element analysis. The findings offer valuable insights into the impact of HNT doping on PAN membrane characteristics and performance, which will inform future membrane development initiatives.
2023-2 Seren Acarer, İnci Pir, Mertol Tüfekci, Tuğba Erkoҫ, Vehbi Öztekin, Sevgi Güneş Durak, Mehmet Şükrü Özҫoban, Güler Türkoğlu Demirkol, Moayyad Alhammod, Selva Çavuş, Neşe Tüfekci Characterisation and modelling the mechanics of cellulose nanofibril added polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes The performance of the membranes can be improved by adding the appropriate amount of nanomaterials to the polymeric membranes that can be used for water/wastewater treatment. In this study, the effects of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), the impact of different amounts (0.5% and 1% wt.) of cellulose nanofibril (CNF), and the combined effects of PVP-CNF on the properties/performance of the polyethersulfone-based (PES-based) membrane are investigated. All PES-based ultrafiltration (UF) membranes are manufactured employing the phase inversion method and characterised via Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the relevant techniques to determine the properties, including porosity, mean pore size, contact angle, water content, and pure water flux tests. Furthermore, the thermal properties of the prepared membranes are investigated using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) techniques. Experimental and numerical methods are applied for the mechanical characterisation of prepared membranes. For the experimental process, tensile tests under dry and wet conditions are conducted. The finite element (FE) method and Mori-Tanaka mean-field homogenisation are used as numerical methods to provide more detailed knowledge of membrane mechanics.
2023-2 Ömer Faruk Argın, Ozan Kaya, Zeki Yağız Bayraktaroğlu, Şeniz Ertuğrul A Compliant Teleoperation System by Utilizing Haptic Guidance and Series Elastic Actuator-Based Gripper This article introduces a haptic-guided teleoperation framework using a series elastic actuator (SEA)-based compliant gripper. The proposed teleoperation system involves one local haptic device, one layer of virtual reality, and one remote industrial manipulator with a compliant gripper. The overall compliance of the teleoperation is distributed between the software and hardware components of the bilateral loop. On the one hand, the implemented haptic guidance is based on an elementary coupling model uniquely defined and established for all interactions among the user, remote manipulator, and virtual interface. On the other hand, the manipulator operating in the remote environment is equipped with a novel compliant gripper based on series elastic actuators, providing passive compliance at the interactions with the environment. Introducing the gripper into the haptic loop is expected to compensate for disturbances due to inaccurate modeling and/or unmodeled dynamics of the remote environment and external effects. The teleoperation system is implemented for manipulation and tracking tasks and tested with different users. Experimental results show that the haptic guidance and the compliant gripper together significantly improve the teleoperation performances in terms of transparency
2023-2 Doç. Dr. Zeki Bayraktaroğlu Robot Teknolojisine Giriş - Matematiksel Modelleme Kitap 2. basım
2023-2 Ayhan Hacıoğlu, Adem Candaş, Cemal Baykara Large Deflections of Functionally Graded Nonlinearly Elastic Cantilever Beams Uses of functionally graded materials (FGMs) are increasing owing to recent development in manufacturing technologies. Large deflection of beams that made of nonlinearly elastic, Ludwick’s type of material, and also FGMs has received considerable critical attention during recent years. However, the precise effect of a number of laminae on both vertical and horizontal deflection of the beam in the finite element analysis (FEA) is unknown. Here, we examined the large deflections of a cantilever beam that was subjected to various loading conditions and made of nonlinearly elastic, modified Ludwick’s type of material using FEA. The direction-dependent material properties in the functionally graded material and nonlinearity from modified Ludwick’s law are combined in the analysis using Marlow’s material model. Our results show that the gradient function and the number of laminae have significant effects on normal stress distribution along the horizontal axis and both vertical and horizontal deflection of the beam
2023-2 Adem Candaş, Erkan Öterkuş, Cevat Erdem İmrak Peridynamic simulation of dynamic fracture in functionally graded materials subjected to impact load Dynamic crack propagation assessment in functionally graded materials (FGMs) with micro-cracks is accomplished using bond-based Peridynamics (PD). The dynamic fracture behaviour of various FGMs’ material models is studied in Kalthoff– Winkler experiment. Dynamic crack growth predictions and associated material damage of the specimen under dynamic loading conditions are considered. The effect of micro-cracks near macro-crack tips on the toughening mechanism is evalu- ated in terms of crack propagation velocities. Stochastically pre-located micro-cracks are modelled to obtain the toughening effect in the material. In addition, the velocities and time required for fracture are compared in different FGM cases. It is frankly found that if a crack propagates in the harder region of the specimen, velocities decrease and toughness increase in contrast to the softer region. Furthermore, micro-cracks around a macro-crack decelerate the crack propagation and enhance toughening mechanism in FGM body depending on gradation of material properties.
2023-2 Arash ARMANFAR, Erkan GÜNPINAR G-Lattices: A Novel Lattice Structure and Its Generative Synthesis Under Additive Manufacturing Constraints This paper presents G-Lattices, a new strut-based lattice structure, and a method for generative synthesis using additive manufacturing. The particle tracing algorithm automates G-Lattice generation based on user and geometric constraints. Multiple G-Lattices are 3D printed as a proof of concept, demonstrating enhanced strength-to-volume ratios under vertical loading compared to traditional lattice structures
2023-2 Arash ARMANFAR, Ersan ÜSTÜNDAĞ, Erkan GÜNPINAR G-Puzzle: Infilling 3D Models With Reinforced G-Lattices Reinforced G-Lattices are introduced for improved performance under inclined compression. The G-Puzzling method optimizes and selects reinforced G-Lattices from a library based on local displacement vectors for various inclined loads. In experiments, parts with reinforced G-Lattices outperform conventional lattice structures.
2023-2 Serhat ÇAM, Erkan GÜNPINAR Fluid Flow-inspired Curvature-aware Print-paths from Hexahedral Meshes for Additive Manufacturing This study generates curvature-aware print-paths without crosswise contacts by mimicking laminar streamlines inspired by fluid flow. The approach decomposes the hexahedral mesh into blocks, covering them with these print-paths. A collision-free multi-axis additive manufacturing planning technique is proposed, validated through a simulator and machine.
2023-2 Emre GÜNAYDIN, Erkan GÜNPINAR Mechanical property estimation for additive manufacturing parts with supports This paper investigates poor bridging in additive manufacturing, studying the influence of process parameters and support distance on mechanical properties. Two models predict ultimate stress and strain using a central composite design. Tensile experiments validate the models, enabling automated design parameter determination for desired mechanical constraints.
2023-2 Erkan GÜNPINAR, Marco LIVESU , Marco ATTENE  Exploration of 3D motorcycle complexes from hexahedral meshes Motorcycle graph-guided shape decompositions for volumes, a recently introduced concept, pose an open problem in generating optimal volumetric graphs for engineering applications. This article presents two superior approaches, optimizing application-dependent criteria, outperforming prior methods in most cases.
2023-2 M.-A. Hejazi, O. Eksik, Ç.Taşdelen-Yücedağ Carbon-based nanomaterials in gas sensing applications 10.1007/s42247-023-00454-7 Emergent Materials, 6(1), pp. 45-77
2023-2 N. Okutan-Arslan, L. Trabzon Carbon-based nanomaterials in gas sensing applications 10.1002/efd2.116 eFood, V. 4, iss. 6
2023-2 N.F. Zikrillaev, G.H. Mavlonov, L. Trabzon, SV Koveshnikov, ZT Knezhaev, T. B Ismailov, Y. A. Abduganiev Magnetic Properties of Silicon Doped with Paramagnetic Impurity Atoms 10.26565/2312-4334-2023-3-40 East European Journal of Physics, Vol. 2023, Iss. 3, pgs. 380-384
2023-2 Z. Benzait and L. Trabzon Nacre-like graphene oxide nanocomposite with nanodiamonds as nanoasperities 10.1016/j.diamond.2023.109878 Diamond & Related Materials, V. 135, 109878
2023-2 O.I Kalaoğlu-Altan, L. Trabzon, B.K. Kayaoğlu Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene-Loaded Recycled Poly(Ethylene Terephtalate) Electrospun Composite Nanofibrous Mats with Improved Thermal Conductivity 10.1002/pc.27809 Polymer Composites.2023;1–13
2023-2 Ş Özönder, C Ünlü, C Güleryüz, L Trabzon Doped Graphene Quantum Dots UV-Vis Absorption Spectrum: A high-throughput TDDFT study 10.1016/B978-0-323-88431-0.00025-9 Vol. 8, iss. 2, pgs. 2112-2118
2023-2 Sadice Melek Kestir, Sultan Şahin Keskin, Özge Ergüder, Nida Ük, Yurdanur Türker, Ilgın Nar, Levent Trabzon, Caner Ünlü Ultraprecise control over photophysical properties of novel amino acid functionalized CdTeS quantum dots: a fluorescence booster for yellow-emissive carbon dots 10.1039/d3dt00019b Dalton Transactions, Vol. 52, pgs. 5704 - 5714
2023-2 S. Şahin, Ö. Ergüder, L. Trabzon, C. Ünlü Quantum dots for Sensing Applications 10.1016/B978-0-323-88431-0.00025-9 Fundamentals of Sensor Technology, published by Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, pg. 443-473
2023-2 A.T. Aldemir, S. Çadırcı, L. Trabzon Investigation of Inertial Focusing of Micro- and Nanoparticles in Spiral Microchannels using Computational Fluid Dynamics   Accepted to be published in 2023 in the Physics of Fluids
2023-2 Syed Javaid Zaidi, Hammadur Rahman Siddiqui, Haleema Saleem, Nada Mahmoud Abounahia, Levent Trabzon, Ali Kilic Ultrafast water flux through hot-pressed solution blown spun nanofiber-based thin film composite membranes for forward osmosis   Application Number: 18115350
2023-2 Dila Türkmen, Merve Acer Kalafat Lamination curing method for silver nanoparticle inkjet printed flexible electronics: design, uncertainty and performance analysis 10.1007/s10854-023-11220-0 In this paper, we propose a fast, simple, low-cost and high-performance curing method, “lamination curing”, to activate silver nano-particle inkjet printed flexible electronics, as a new and advantageous alternative to the existing curing methods. Proposed method is tested together with the most widely-used method in the literature (oven curing), and provided a lower sheet resistance and fabrication uncertainty.
2023-2 Tuğçe Çalışkan, Aleyna Arslan, Berkay Köstekci, M. Alperen Kumru, Merve Acer Kalafat, İkilem Göcek Design and development of textile-based strain sensors via screen printing 10.1016/j.matpr.2023.07.315 Textile-based strain sensors have recently attracted attention due to not only their flexibility and adaptability but also stretchability. Therefore, the main focus of this work is to develop highly flexible, highly stretchable and novel sensors based on several types of knitted fabrics and electrospun membranes with different kinds of inks.
2023-2 Annamaria Pau, Uğurcan Eroğlu Identification of Damage in Beams by Modal Curvatures Using Acoustic Beamformers 10.3390/app131910557  This paper presents an approach to damage identification in beams by modal curvatures based on the use of beamforming algorithms. These processors have been successfully used in acoustics for the last thirty years to solve the inverse problems encountered in source recognition and image reconstruction, based on ultrasonic waves. In addition, beamformers apply to a broader range of problems in which the forward solutions are computable and measurable. This especially concerns the field of structural vibrations, where the use of such estimators has not received attention to date. In this paper, modal curvatures will play the role of replica vectors of the imaging field. The choice to use modal curvatures is motivated by means of numerical studies and experimental tests on a steel beam. Furthermore, we compare the performance of the Bartlett and minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformers with an estimator based on the simple minimization of the difference between model and measured data. The results suggest that the application of the MVDR beamformer is highly effective, especially in cases of slight damage between two sensors. MVDR enables both damage localization and quantification
2023-2 Annamaria Pau, Uğurcan Eroğlu The minimum variance distortionless response beamformer for damage identification using modal curvatures 10.21741/9781644902431-74 This study presents a damage identification procedure in beams based on the use of beamforming algorithms, which are mostly utilized in inverse problems of source identification and image reconstruction. We choose the modal curvatures as observed quantities and compare the performance of the Bartlett beamformer, minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) processor, and of a conventional objective function based on the modal curvatures. By means of a set of experiments, we show that the MVDR processor can overcome some of the difficulties encountered with other estimators, especially in cases of slight damage, or damage located between two sensors.
2023-2 Uğurcan Eroğlu, Giuseppe Ruta Perturbations for vibration of nano-beams of local/nonlocal mixture 10.21741/9781644902431-100 Here we extend the perturbation approach, previously presented in the literature for Eringen’s two-phase local/nonlocal mixture model, to free vibration of purely flexible beams. In particular, we expand the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors into power series of the fraction coefficient of the non-local material response up to 2nd order. We show that the family of 0th order bending couples satisfy the natural and essential boundary conditions of the 1st order; hence, the 1st order solution can conveniently be constructed using the eigenspace of the 0th order with no necessity of additional conditions. We obtain the condition of solvability that provides the incremental eigenvalue in closed form. We further demonstrate that the 1st order increment of the eigenvalue is always negative, providing the well-known softening effect of long-range interactions among the material points of a continuum modelled with Eringen’s theory. We examine a simply supported beam as a benchmark problem and present the incremental eigenvalues in closed form.
2023-2 Yıldızelı Alperen, Bulgu Selin, Çadırcı Sertaç, Yıldırım Sema Investigation of the Effects of Needle Designs on the Root Canal Irrigation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics This study aims to investigate the effects of irrigation needles on the flow inside the root canal and compare their performances with the help of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyzes.
2023-2 Yildizeli Alperen, Cadirci Sertac Numerical Investigation Of Plate Cooling Using Multiple Impinging Jets In Different Alignments This study examines parameters affecting micro- and nanoparticle inertial focusing in microchannels by introducing a novel sunflower geometry through asymmetric serpentine segments.
2023-2 Ahmet Turan Aldemir, Sertac Cadirci, Levent Trabzon Investigation of inertial focusing of micro- and nanoparticles in spiral microchannels using computational fluid dynamics This study investigates inertial focusing of nano and micro particles in spiral microchannels with CFD.
2023-2 Mehmet Anıl GÜLŞAN  Sedat TOKGOZ Seyhan ONBAŞIOĞLU ANALYTICAL STUDY OF HEMISPHERICAL ICE SUBLIMATION IN ENCLOSURES WITH HUMIDITY AND FORCED CONVECTION An analytical method has been proposed for the sublimation from a hemispherical ice sample as a combination of the models for the spherical and circular flat surfaces. The sublimation rate calculated by this new analytical method has been compared to the results from the weighing experiments and visualizations where the sublimation over time was measured by processing a series of images of ice cubes
2023-2 Vehbi Öztekin, Şafak Yılmaz Experimental and Numerical Investigation of The GTN model parameters for AISI 1045 Steel Dergi: Steel Research International
2023-2 Mertol Tüfekci, Vehbi Öztekin, İnci Pir, Murat Alioğlu, Can Dikicioğlu, Adnan Dikicioğlu, Ekrem Tüfekci Low Strain Rate Mechanical Performance of Balsa Wood and Carbon Fibre-Epoxy-Balsa Sandwich Structures Dergi: Composites Part C: Open Access
2023-2 Seren Acarer, İnci Pir, Mertol Tüfekci, Tuǧba Erkoç, Sevgi Güneş Durak, Vehbi Öztekin, Güler Türkoǧlu Demirkol, Mehmet Şükrü Özçoban, Tuba Yelda Temelli Çoban, Selva Ćavuş, Neşe Tüfekci Halloysite Nanotube-Enhanced Polyacrylonitrile Ultrafiltration Membranes: Fabrication, Characterization, and Performance Evaluation Dergi: ACS Omega
2023-2 Bisoi A, Tufekci M, Oztekin V, Denimal Goy E, Salles L Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Fibre-Reinforced Composite Structures for Robotic Applications Dergi: Applied Composite Materials
2023-2 Hilal Koc, Ekrem Tufekci A novel approach of bending behavior of carbon nanotubes by combining the effects of higher-order boundary conditions and coupling through doublet mechanics This article presents the bending behavior of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) based on doublet mechanics (DM) and Euler–Bernoulli beam theory to analyze how deflection changes with higher-order boundary conditions and the coupling, which have not been previously investigated. The governing equations and associated boundary conditions are obtained using the principle of minimum potential. Numerical solutions show an important effect of higher-order boundary conditions on the deflection of cantilever CNTs, unlike simply supported CNTs. A paradox in which DM shows a stiffening behavior for cantilever CNTs is resolved using higher-order boundary conditions. The coupling significantly effects the bending behavior of armchair CNTs.
2023-2 Khozhakeldi TANBAYEV, Sayakhat NUKESHEV, Tahsin ENGIN , Bakhitbek SAKTAGANOV Flat Spray Nozzle For Intra-Soil Application Of Liquid Mineral Fertilizers” DOI: 10.2478/ata-2023-0009. Acta Technologica Agriculturae 2/2023, pp. 65-71
2023-2 Sefer Arda Serbes, Muaz Kemerli, Ahmet Aydın, M. N. Sami İnanır, Tahsin Engin Effect of Viscous Damping Coefficient on Suppression of Structural Earthquake-Induced Vibrations with Tuned Liquid Column Dampers BİLDİRİ ISAS’2023, İstanbul
2023-2 Sefer Arda Serbes, Hüseyin Dal, M. N. Sami İnanır, Muaz Kemerli, Ahmet Aydın, Erkan Çelebi, Tahsin Engin Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Mitigation of Structural Vibrations Caused by Ground Acceleration with TLCD Application BİLDİRİ ISAS’2023, İstanbul
2023-2 Fırat Can Yılmaz, Muzaffer Metin, Sefer Arda Serbes, Tahsin Engin Çok Katlı Yapı Bloklarının Piston-TLCD Mekanizmasıyla Titreşim Kontrolü Vibration Control of Multi-Storey Structures using Piston-TLCD Mechanism BİLDİRİ 24. Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı
2023-2 E. Soylemez Capillary force method to improve the green density of binder jet additive manufacturing This study investigates the impact of capillary adhesion force on the green part density in metal powder binder jetting 3D printing. Gas atomized Co-Cr-Mo, SS316L, and pure Cu powders were used to print various samples. The printed samples were then treated with water, 1-Hexanol, and n-Amyl alcohol vapor for 24 hours to nucleate capillary bridges between particles and shrink samples uniformly. The volume change was calculated for each sample, and up to –3.1 % volume change was observed. The proposed method can be used to improve green part densities directly on printed parts before sintering.
2023-2 C.G. Akagündüz, and E. Soylemez Optimization of Laser Direct Structuring Process Parameters for Material Extrusion of Polycarbonate Laser direct structuring (LDS) is critical in the integration of circuits onto 3D-shaped plastic parts, such as antennas and radio frequency components. The LDS process encompasses three stages: deposition of 3D parts, laser structuring, and metallization. While laser-direct structurable parts have been manufactured through plastic injection molding, material extrusion (MEX) is a favored additive manufacturing process for economic low-volume production and fast prototyping advantages. Although injection-molded LDS literature is available, 3D-printed laser-direct structured components merit further investigation. This study focuses on the MEX of catalyst-loaded polycarbonate (PC) parts and its LDS process. The parameters from the nanosecond fiber laser, including scan speed, power, and frequency, are thoroughly analyzed to understand the surface property changes and metallization performance of the printed PC parts. The single scan track width, which corresponds to the accuracy of conductive path width and metallization thickness, is employed to elucidate the findings. A process map is built to keep the track width constant aimed at enhancing the uniform metallization of intricate components. Thresholds are established, identifying a minimum track width of 22.1 μm and metallization thickness of 2.5 μm. These delineate clusters of process parameters that yield conductivity levels suitable for various applications.
2023-2 Mehmet Anıl GÜLŞAN  Sedat TOKGOZ Seyhan ONBAŞIOĞLU ANALYTICAL STUDY OF HEMISPHERICAL ICE SUBLIMATION IN ENCLOSURES WITH HUMIDITY AND FORCED CONVECTION An analytical method has been proposed for the sublimation from a hemispherical ice sample as a combination of the models for the spherical and circular flat surfaces. The sublimation rate calculated by this new analytical method has been compared to the results from the weighing experiments and visualizations where the sublimation over time was measured by processing a series of images of ice cubes.
2023-1 Acarer S.| Pir, İ.| Tüfekci, M.| Erkoҫ, T.| Öztekin, V.| Durak, S. G.| Özҫoban, M. Ş.| Türkoğlu Demirkol, G.| Alhammod, M.| Çavuş, S.| Tüfekci, N. Characterisation And Modelling The Mechanics Of Cellulose Nanofibril Added Polyethersulfone Ultrafiltration Membranes  
2023-1 Benzait, Z.| Trabzon, L. Nacre-Like Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite With Nanodiamonds As Nanoasperities  
2023-1 Binark, A. M.| Ozdemir, M. An Experimental Study On Heat Transfer Of Pulsating Air Flow In Metal Foam Subjected To Constant Heat Flux  
2023-1 Çakan, M. Ziraat Makinaları Muayene ve Araştırma Merkezi-Kuruluşu ve Faaliyetleri   İTÜ Makina Fakültesi 250. Yıl Seminerleri, 21.12.2022
2023-1 Çalışkan, C.İ.| Koca, A.| Özer, G.| Akbal, Ö.| Bakır, S. Efficiency Comparison Of Conformal Cooling Channels Produced By Additive And Subtractive Manufacturing In Automotive Industry Plastic Injection Moulds: A Hybrid Application  
2023-1 Çolak, B.A.| Acikgoz, O.| Karakoyun, Y.| Koca, A.| Dalkilic, A.S. Experimental And Numerical Investigations On The Heat Transfer Characteristics Of A Real-Sized Radiant Cooled Wall System Supported By Machine Learning  
2023-1 Ergene, B.| Bolat, C.| Karakilinc, U.| Irez, A. B. A Comprehensive Investigation Of Drilling Performance Of Anisotropic Stacked Glass‐Carbon Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Laminate Composites  
2023-1 Eroglu, U.| Ruta, G. Damaged Elements And Structures: Models, Resolution Techniques, Detection Devices, Experimental Approaches   Konferans, 27-30 Ağustos 2023 tarihleri arasında Palermo Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleştirilecektir.
2023-1 Hejazi, M.-A. M.-A.| Trabzon, L. The Use Of Carbon-Based Materials In Gas Sensing By QCM   Annual Congress on Nanotek Summit, George Town, Malaysia
2023-1 Hejazi, M.-A.| Eksik, O.| Taşdelen-Yücedağ, Ç.| Ünlü, C.| Trabzon, L. Carbon-Based Nanomaterials In Gas Sensing Applications  
2023-1 Kestir, S. M.| Şahin Keskin, S.| Ergüder, Ö.| Ük, N.| Türker, Y.| Nar, I.| Trabzon, L.| Ünlü, C. Ultraprecise Control Over The Photophysical Properties Of Novel Amino Acid Functionalized Cdtes Quantum Dots And Their Effect On The Emission Of Yellow-Emissive Carbon Dots  
2023-1 Koca, A.| Çalışkan, C.İ.| Koç, E.| Akbal, Ö. A Novel 3D Printed Air-Cooled Fuel Cooler Heat Exchanger For Aviation Industry  
2023-1 Mendoza, C.E.| Ozdemir, I.B.| Helcig, C.| Gümmer, V. Investigation Of The Effect Of Blade Passing On Two-Phase Flow Within Discrete Compressor Casing Recirculation Channel Using Particle Image Velocimetry   Proceeding, accepted
2023-1 Navidfar, A.| Kalkhoran, M. V.| Trabzon, L. Carbon Nanotubes And Graphene-Modified Binary Hexagonal Boron Nitride Polyurethane Foams   7th International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
2023-1 Ozcan H. G.| Hepbasli A.| Abusoglu A.| Anvari-Moghaddam A. Energy, Exergy, Economic, Environmental And Sustainability (4ES) Analyses Of A Wastewater Source Heat Pump System For District Heating Applications Based On Real Operational Data  
2023-1 Özönder, Ş.| Ünlü, C.| Güleryüz, C.| Trabzon, L. Doped Graphene Quantum Dots UV–Vis Absorption Spectrum: A High-Throughput TDDFT Study  
2023-1 Quadros, J.D.| Pahlavani, H.| Ozdemir, I.B.| Mogul Y.I. Neural Network Predictive Models To Determine The Effect Of Blood Composition On The Patient-Specific Aneurysm   Accepted
2023-1 Quadros, J.D.| Zenginer, M.Y.| Ozdemir, I.B. Optimization Of The Bubble Departure And Lift-Off Boiling Model Using Taguchi Method  
2023-1 Rahtuvan, G.B. | Şen, O. T. Feasibility Of Using A Mobile Device To Identify The Axle Whine Noise In A Vehicle  
2023-1 Şahin, S.| Ergüder, Ö.| Trabzon, L.| Ünlü, C. Quantum Dots For Sensing Applications Kitap Bölümü
2023-1 Sahin, U.| Ren, H.| Imrak, C.E.| Rabczuk, T. Computational Modeling Of Quasi Static Fracture Using The Nonlocal Operator Method And Explicit Phase Field Model   
2023-1 Soylemez, E. Capillary Force Method To Improve The Green Density Of Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing  
2023-1 Tanbayev, K.| Nukeshev, S.| Engin, T.| Saktaganov, B.  Flat Spray Nozzle For Intra-Soil Application Of Liquid Mineral Fertilizers  
2023-1 Tas N.| Abusoglu A. Su Soğutmalı Yıkama Kurutma Makinelerinde Farklı Proses Çalışma Koşullarının Isıtıcı Kanalındaki Hav Birikimine Ve Kurutma Performansına Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi   Bildiri
2023-1 Tekin, M. M.| Mermertaş, V. Strucutral Design And Optimization Of Bearingless Helicopter Rotor System   Konferans, 3rd International Congress of Engineering and Natural Sciences
2023-1 Trabzon, G.| Aldı, Y.E.| Akyıldız, D.| Gül, B.| Okşak, N.| Dölek, A.| Khosroshahi, A.R.| Ibadillayev, S.| Sobirjon, I.| Giyasiddin, M.| Erdem-Kuruca, S.| Trabzon, L. Integrated Microfluidic System To Capture Circulating Tumor Cells By Ferromagnetic Nano-Clusters In Si   First International BioMaterials Conference – Biomaterials, Biosensor and Microfluidics Technologies for Medical Applications, Doha, Qatar
2023-1 Trabzon, L. Carbon Nanofiller Based Multi-Dimensional and Multi-Functional Polymer-Nano-Composites   Invited talk, UNESCO Chair in Water Technology and Center for Advanced Materials (CAM) seminer, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
2023-1 Trabzon, L. The Benefits of Using Microfluidics in Biology   Invited talk, First International BioMaterials Conference – Biomaterials, Biosensor and Microfluidics Technologies for Medical Applications, Doha Qatar
2023-1 Trabzon, L.| Karimian, Gh.| Khosroshahi, A. R. | Gül, B.| Kocak A. F. | Bakhshayesh, A. Gh.| Akyıldız, D.| Aldi, Y. E. A Comprehensive Study About The Geometry Of Electrodes On The Efficiency Enhancement Of Active Electrohydrodynamic Micromixers   Physics and Chemistry of Microfluidics - GRC, Lucca Italy
2023-1 Yavuz, A.| Şen, O. T. Stability Analysis Of A Mass-Sliding Belt System And Experimental Validation As Motivated By The Brake Squeal Problem  
2023-1 Yavuz, A.| Şen, O. T. Assessment Of Fuzzy Logic Approach For The Prediction Of Dynamic Stability On A Mass-Sliding Belt Experiment  
2023-1 Yavuz, A.| Şen, O. T. Investigation Of Pad Stiffness Effects On The Initiation Of Brake Squeal Phenomenon  
2023-1 Yildiz, R. A. Numerical Analysis Of The Damage Evolution Of DP600 Steel Using Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman Model  
2023-1 Yildiz, R. A. A Numerical Investigation On The Effect Of Transfer Medium In Explosive Forming  
2023-1 Zenginer, M.Y.| Quadros, J.D.| Ozdemir, I.B. Determination Of Wall Heat Flux Based On Bubble Departure And Lift-Off Diameters For Varying Pressure And Flow Velocity Conditions